Why are Dutch children the happiest in the world?

What is it that makes Dutch children the happiest in the world?

That’s what we all want to know following the announcement in April 2013!  This was the finding in ‘The Child Well-Being in Rich Countries: A Comparative Overview’ by UNICEF, which included children up to age 19.  The 2013 report analyses figures from the years 2009 to 2010.  It’s the second report of its kind, the previous one being in 2007 where Dutch children were at the top.  http://www.unicef.org.uk/Images/Campaigns/FINAL_RC11-ENG-LORES-fnl2.pdf

The study measures development according to five dimensions of children’s lives – material well-being, health and safety, education, behaviour and risks, and housing and environment.

Top 20 rankings of well-being of children in developed countries

1. Netherlands

2. Norway

3. Iceland

4. Finland

5. Sweden

6. Germany

7. Luxembourg

8. Switzerland

9. Belgium

10. Ireland

11. Denmark

12. Slovenia

13. France

14. Czech Republic

15. Portugal

16. United Kingdom

17. Canada

18. Austria

19. Spain

20. Hungary


The Netherlands is the only country that ranked in the top 5 for all of the five dimensions of child well-being.

When well-being was evaluated by its children, 95% of them rated their own lives above the mid-point of the Life Satisfaction Scale.  A far higher percentage than children in any of the other countries.

It is thought that the reasons for their happiness stem from…

  • The Netherlands being a small affluent country, very democratic and free.
  • Good relationships with parents.  Dutch parents, when compared to parents in other countries have a more relaxed attitude so ‘problems’ appear as less of an issue or problem for them.
  • A tendency for mothers with young children to raise them.  The percentage of mothers with young children in the labour force is significantly lower than in other comparable countries.  Many mothers take a long time off work after their children are born.  Because of this Dutch children grow up in a highly protective and positive caring environment.
  • A very good education system.  Less pressure being put on children at school.

This freedom and education is believed to be what leads Dutch children and parents to make the right choices.  Could this be why their children to continue to be the HAPPIEST in the World?

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