Laughter Wellness at work

The best workplaces are those that are supportive and creative. Somewhere that a team gathers and enjoys working together. Often nurturing and vital.  They support each individual so that everyone feels they can be their best self at all times.

Laughter Wellness Events

A combination of Laughter Yoga and Mindfulness, with Stress Management and Resilience, our Laughter Wellness events can be designed exclusively for your business.

That means we can look at particular challenges and stressors you have, and engage with the team to bring out the best.

Team bonding

Laughter Yoga is naturally a little “out of a comfort zone”, so our Laughter Yoga sessions can create a team bond and supporting factor that is unique and long term.

Wellness focused

The skills of stress management, resilience and mindfulness are life and business tools.  They all support a better communication experience, when people have a common understanding.  Laughter Yoga adds yet another layer of wellness, with the physical actions of Laughter, breathwork and stretching.


For an event or series of events that is very much about the individual and not about work, Laughter Yoga is perfect.  The level and intensity of Laughter can be brought to the needs of the individual, and people are invited to participate at a level that is right for them.


Laughter Yoga sessions can be designed to fit around your workplace.  Whether you need a full day’s event, or a few hours, or a series of sessions across several weeks, a programme can be designed to suit.


After Covid, it’s clear that we are in need of more and more connections at work.  Too many zooms, meetings, phone calls, and they are all so business focused.  Where has the fun in work gone?  Many people thrive at work because of the buzz, and Laughter Yoga can put that back for all.


You want something a little different, out of the ordinary, and yet still fun to do, and not putting anyone on the spot…. that’s Laughter Yoga!  It’s something that will be talked about for years to come.  And nobody ever forgets their first laughter yoga session – believe me!

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